We’ve had a busy month at the Lend-A-Hand Center. We’ve had several meetings and different workshops with the extension office. We had a second informational meeting, a general ag meeting at the Extension Office, several of our participants got their home-based microprocessor certification, and we also had trainings for farmers’ market vendors to accept WIC and Senior Farmers Market vouchers.

Also students at Knox Central High School have gotten started on their raised beds. Here are some pictures:






Also, here is one of Irma’s recent newspaper articles:

Spring is Shedding Time
It is “shedding “” time. One of the first signs of spring is the time to start shedding those warm winter coats. A few weeks ago a wool coat, even wool socks, felt so good but now they might feel welcome in the early morning chill, but so uncomfortable in the warmth of the afternoon.

Even the animals both wild and domesticated go through these feelings. We might not notice the donning of the extra protection in the fall but some farmers actually predict the type of coming winter by the coats on the animals. However we are much more aware of the time for them to shed that protection.

Watching horses back up to a fence and doing their rubbing dance is a sight unless you are the one that has to fix the fence. The main way for horses to shed is to do a 360 degree roll in the dirt. They are not the most graceful creature rolling back and forth to get rid of too much warmth. Dogs also roll back and forth in an effort to groom themselves but they look so much more graceful in the act.

Observing sheep in the spring elicits your sympathy. They head for a barb fence or a thorn patch like blackberries hoping the thorn will rid them of the heavy hot weight. I used to keep sheep and learned they do have ways to groom themselves. I am not sure we were doing them a favor the way we took care of the shedding time. We sheared them getting all the wool off in one swoop leaving them to shiver in the morning and sunburn in the afternoon.

Cows can be found at this time of the year rubbing on fences and gates. Right now I have a big Guernsey bull who towers over me but he loves to have his neck rubbed. H almost purrs just to have his neck brushed or rubbed but that brings me into close proximity of his very hard bull head. Just one swing even in his pleasure can remind me very quickly of the power that he has. Indoor cats and dog people are not only aware of hair everywhere but tuffs also.

But what about “shedding” times for mothers of children who take care to see that their young’uns have the proper warm clothing for standing out waiting for the school bus in the morning chill. Usually they are too busy at coming home time to notice what the children are wearing or not wearing until the next morning when it is time to don that warm clothing again. “ Where is your sweater or whatever? “I don’t know” is the usual answer.
Ah, yes “shedding time “