Hello all,
We are excited to begin another year here at the Lend-A-Hand Center.
We will be having an informational meeting about the program on the Creek February the 28th at 4:00 at the Center.
Here is the flier for the event:
We also had a great start to the 2016 Farmers’ Market season with a potluck last Thursday. We have finalized the 2016 rules and regulations and they are available by clicking this link: Rules & Regs & Vendor Agreement. The Market will run every Thursday from 5-8 in the parking lot of the Extension office starting May 26th and running through September 29th. This year we are also starting special first Saturday markets downtown which will meet at the Mitchell’s parking lot June 4, July 2, August 6, and September 3 from noon to 3:00.
We are excited to continue partnerships with the Knox County Cooperative Extension, Knox County School System, and Union College as we begin our third year as a Grow Appalachia partner!
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