This is Justin Brock at the Red Bird Mission Grow Appalachia. The past month we’ve been thankful for good weather. We had a beautiful day when we had our harvest picnic we have ever Fall. We had a great turn out of our members and their families at the harvest picnic. Every one brought a delicious dish they had prepared using something they had grown in there garden. Everyone had a great time, they got to socialize and trade experiences and knowledge about their gardens this season.
We have also had great weather for all our farmers market days except for maybe one day it was cold and rainy, but people still showed up, sold and bought. All the produce that the sellers have brought has been of high quality. The market has done very well this year with the amount of sellers we have had and the amount of people that have stop by and bought off of us. I feel that we have helped a lot of families and farmers with the vouchers we have handed out with income and fresh high quality produce.
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