By: Kathryn Engle
September brought the culmination of several projects that have been in process over the summer. The finalized “Action Plan” for the Barbourville Local Foods, Local Places project was sent out on September 15th. More information on the Local Foods, Local Places project is available here. This action plans outlines exciting initiatives for local food systems development building on the successes of the Lend-A-Hand Center Grow Appalachia Gardening Program and the Knox County Farmers’ Market.
On September 26th the Grow Appalachia crew visited Baker Family Farm for their fall sorghum cookoff. The Bakers have been watching and tending their sorghum crop all summer. We had a potluck with lots of home-grown goodies and had a great time visiting friends and sharing stories.
Thursday October 1st was the last meeting of the Knox County Farmers’ Market. Although we had a tough growing season and had some growing pains moving to a new market location, the market was very successful this year. Vendors sold over $26,000 worth of products and the market accepted SNAP transactions and WIC vouchers this year.
We are excited to participate in the Daniel Boone Festival in Barbourville this upcoming weekend. Donnie and Charlotte are heading up the float for the parade. Pictures to come!
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