From Sharon: Organic gardening is perfect for us, because we love to cook and entertain and we have been able to prepare strawberry trifles, new peas, fried green tomatoes (delicious),and red, white and blue potato salad (planted 4 types of potatoes). According the blue potatoes lower your blood pressure. None of our produce has gone to waste because if we don’t eat it then our family and friends enjoy the fresh vegetables. My husband died of cancer, which made me more aware of the food we were eating, and I truly believe you are what you eat>
From Wilma: I have planted tomatoes, bell peppers, potatoes, green beans with a herb garden on my deck. i don’t know how good my harvest is going to be this year but I have received information that will help me be a better organic gardener.
Gardens are not what they were last year but we are trusting that with the sunshine our harvest will be decent.
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