We all may cringe in the grocery store when we see the prices or quality of the stocked food. But food and being fed, is about more than the fiscal cost. The value lies in knowing the grower, how the food was grown, the freshness, and the ability to literally taste the vitamins and minerals. There is nothing like picking a lush juicy strawberry or eating an ear of corn less than 15 minutes from harvest! This is pure satisfaction and pleasure!
Yes, gardening skills are a valuable asset that becomes even more important during difficult times and economic downturns. But in my opinion gardening has to be about more than self-sufficiency. Gardening is hard work; any true gardener does it for love. They are passionate about growing.
Sometime I imagine that if I could only capture the moment when I fell in love with gardening, maybe then I could better replicate the experience and “hook” more people. I have tried, and have not found the magical formula.
What is it that made you fall in love with gardening? Was it the ultimate freshness and quality of the produce, or the incredible variety of foods? Or, was it for health and exercise? Or, are you a survivalist aiming for a higher degree of self-sufficiency? Why do you garden?
It really doesn’t matter, when cultivating an edible garden there is no better reason than this…
or this… 
When surveying gardeners the overriding sentiment expressed by most is that gardening is a fun, family activity, that’s rewarding in many unexpected ways! Many of our growers inherited their passion from a grandparent that they followed around in the garden from a very young age. They hope to do the same with and for their grandchildren.
If you presently do not have a garden, take a moment to consider the benefits. What exactly would you like to get out of it? There is no time like the present to begin.
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