Chad’s Hope has been able to participate in the Clay County and Jackson County Farmer’s Market. From the garden we were able to present squash, zucchini, green tomatoes, cabbage, and cucumbers. Our green beans, corn, red tomatoes are not hardly ready yet but close. We also have watermelon, cantaloupe, potatoes and onions. Our plans are to continue to take produce to the Farmer’s Market, we will can and freeze a great deal of produce this summer as well.
Mark stopped by and gave a demonstration on pruning to our students. His encouragement and visit was greatly appreciated. He also gave some great information on some pesticide treatments we could use as we have seen an increase of bugs in our tomato and potato plants.
With all the rain, our ability to work in the garden has been greatly hindered. We are hoping for some dryer weather in the days ahead. As we celebrate Independence Day this weekend, we are grateful for the opportunity to partner with each of the sites representing Grow Appalachia. This is our second year, and we are seeing a tremendous step forward in reaching the goals we established that first year. It gives the staff and students a great sense of purpose and sense of independence to learn to farm your own food. So Happy 4th of July and may your fields produce an abundant harvest this year.
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