Wow, we are having a busy week here in Linwood! Last week, our garden got plowed.
The next step required manual labor. Using shovels, rakes, hoes, buckets and our bare hands, we’ve removed a few large piles of rock from our community plots. Today. another crew is working hard to get rocks out before a massive rainstorm rolls through the area. Any day now, the space will be ready for tilling!
Thursday evening, an eager group of community members gathered at the Linwood Community Library to learn about planting seeds.
In addition to planting, we also received a wealth of information about soil placement, seeds and watering. Previously, I thought watering cans were just adorable and ergonomic, but the design also mimics the sprinkling effect of natural rain. We learned how to re-purpose water jugs or mason jars into watering cans by simply poking tiny round holes in the lids with a nail or screw.
Our seeds are currently germinating. Pouring water directly onto the soil, especially during the germination phase, can disrupt the seed’s placement in the soil, which slows the entire growth process. Germination begins with imbibition, the uptake of water by a dry seed. As seeds imbibe water, they expand and enzymes and become hydrated. After hydration, enzymes become active and the seed increases metabolic activities to produce energy for future growth. Also, the water causes turgor pressure to increase in the cells, The turgor pressure allows cells to enlarge. Below is a diagram of how to make a balloon model depicting turgor pressure:
At the Linwood Community Daycare on Friday afternoon, we helped the kids plant seeds for their gardens. They were extremely excited about being outside and playing in the dirt. Each of them helped fill pots with soil, planted seeds and watered. I’ve never experienced that much energy in the planting phase.
The young ladies planted Zucchini and a couple types of corn designed especially for popping.
Our young gardeners took a moment to play with a puppy & pose for the camera!
These raised beds are a wonderful place for our young gardeners to get their hands dirty and learn at the same time,
We also gleaned knowledge about how to transplant a seedling after it becomes too large for it’s pot. Check back next week for more transplanting information and photos! Happy growing!
Great post! Thanks for the balloon graphic–that’s so helpful for showing folks how these plants get their start. For children to have dirt to play in is such a magical thing.