It has been a very exciting week for our GA garden at the Episcopal Church of Our Saviour (ECOS) in Richmond, KY! We have entered into two partnerships with community agencies and they both involve teaching children how to garden. First, Lt. Darby from our local Salvation Army enlisted our help in starting a garden at their site for the youth group. We’ll be working with children ages 5-17 and their families in growing a variety of produce. Dan Evans tilled the plot and they’ll be ready to plant soon. Here’s the “before” picture of the site:
The next group on board is our Migrant Head Start children who attend school at our church building from April-December through the Community Action Council. Their plot was also tilled this week and we are looking forward to getting all the kids busy next week.
Taking advantage of the gorgeous weather, cabbage has been planted, heirloom tomatoes repotted, weeding, watering, and tilling have happened at our church site. Our new garden assistant, Martin Davis, started Thursday and is a great addition to our team. Experienced gardeners Dan, Phillip, and Hank are patiently teaching the rest of us and we’re learning fast. Here is yours truly planting cabbage for the first time:
Other activities:
Can’t wait to get more plants in the ground and start working with all the children!!
Excited for you all!!