Everyone is working hard these days to get the crops in the ground. We have two families that are the driving force behind the success that is coming to our community site at Parchment Valley. Kat and Lincoln Curry spent the day planting potatoes in one of the fields, along with her husband Ryan. Kevin Riter and his wife Addy are the other driving force at PV Veterans Farm.
Together these 4 planted spent 12 hours planting endless amounts of seed potatoes. We are working to provide an ample amount for the farmers markets and for the Conference Center to purchase for there summer camp programs. Kevin and Addy have been growing the tomatoes and peppers at their house that will be transplanted in the next week or so into the community garden.
It may not sound like much of a task to grow a few plants, but most of us don’t grow hundreds of trays of seeds into beautiful, healthy transplants. Addy has spent countless hours with Kevin watering and caring for these delicate seeds so that we will have top quality plants to put in the ground.
There is so much hard work that goes on behind the scenes of the food so many take for granted on the grocery shelf. The hours of work and worry, the science of charting the weather to know exactly when to plant, and when to water, and harvest for that matter. It is a true labor of love that takes a special person.
Thanks for the hard work on this to make it a success! We have a total of 27 people who have committed to participate in this program but it takes a core few to make it work day in and day out and these folks are the ones that make it happen!
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