Nicer weather has finally arrived here in Breathitt County Kentucky. We’ve been busy tilling gardens and getting plants out to folks in our program the past couple weeks. Everyone is excited and eager to get some dirt on their hands. Our program assistant has been putting a lot of seat time in on the tractor and has tilled everyday that the weather would allow.
On Tuesday April 21st, participants came by and picked up plants that we had growing in the greenhouse for them. Plants were broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, lettuce, kohlrabi, and kale. Participants also have planted green onions and potatoes. No harvest data has been turned in yet but I spoke with one lady that said the green onions were up and tasted good!
We’ve also distributed our organic fertilize (3-4-3) to most everyone. Most of the soil test results came back to say 2-3 lbs of nitrogen per 1000 sq ft. , so most of the participants received 2 bags for 1000 square feet of garden. Most of our gardens are around 1000 square feet or so in our program.
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