By: Kathryn Engle
Spring Break for me was packed with meetings! On Saturday March 14th we had our informational meeting for the Lend-A-Hand Center Grow Appalachia Gardening Program. We had a pretty good turnout after having to cancel the meeting twice before due to the weather and everyone was excited for another growing season
On Monday the 16th we had a board meeting for the Knox County Farmers’ Market. We finalized the rules and regulations for the market season and prepared for taking credit, debit, and SNAP at the market this year.
On Tuesday the 17th Shubin Saha gave a great presentation at the general spring agriculture meeting at the Knox County Cooperative Extension office. He talked about high tunnels, soils, and raised beds.
On Thursday March 19th we had our informational vendor meeting for the Knox County Farmers’ Market. We had a great turnout. Sharon Spencer from the Kentucky Department of Agriculture came and gave a wonderful presentation about how to get the most out of your time at the market. I went over the rules and regs and answered any questions about this year’s market. Here are the rules and regulations and vendor application that we went over.
What a memorable spring break!
Also, On March 29th, Laura Brookshire and I presented her video about the Lend-A-Hand Center Grow Appalachia Gardening Program at the Appalachian Studies Association conference. We were in a wonderful panel and enjoyed sharing about the Grow Appalachia program at Lend-A-Hand.
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