My plan was to include this picture in my last blog because the crocus blooms have been replaced by the daffodils and soon the tulips will be blooming (dogs laid on my tulips so they don’t look too promising). I am not sure why I get the black beside the featured image so if someone knows please help me out.
Phillip Combs with Soil Conservation Service spoke to us about high tunnels and the reimbursement program that is available through that office. He conveyed some of his own experiences with early harvest of spinach and lettuce and how one’s ability to better control the growing environment led to a more pleasing product.
Heidi Williams gave us a pep talk on eating healthy and motivated us to eat more fruits, vegetable and grains. She will be encouraging us at each of our meetings to eat healthier by providing feedback on the data collected at this initial meeting and tempting us with healthy snacks.
It is time to get our cool weather crops in the ground, if the weather will cooperate.
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