Here in Lee County we have been talking to our gardeners and discussing the workshops we would like to have this year. Wayne Riley over in Laurel County has been a great deal of help with fertilizer, buckets, corn-you name it. I really appreciate the regional help I am getting this year. We have also been able to work with Owsley County as a supplier of sweet potato slips.
March 17th is our first meeting and Phillip Combs, with Soil Conservation and Natural Resources is going to talk to us about high tunnels and Heidi Williams will begin her sessions on nutrition. It should be an interesting meeting.
This blog is late because I didn’t get to work until Friday since we received about 18 inches of snow and I was snowbound for four days. I should have started earlier in the month but actually forgot that we had to do a blog. Can I blame that on the snow?
I would include a picture but it is of that white stuff that fell like manna from the sky and I am pretty sure that everyone is sick of seeing nothing but white so I am not going to include it. I promise I will do better next month.
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