Driving the same route everyday or couple of days allows me to observe the changing seasons. How quickly the leaves have gone from green to brown, amber and burgundy! I love the crisp nights and mornings and the heat of the afternoon. The only thing I don’t like is the multitude of mosquitoes that attack in the cool of the evenings when you are trying to wrap up the jobs needing completion before frost. Fogs have been thick this week and that means plenty of deer moving around and across the roads. Please be careful because a deer will do the unexpected, turn around and go the opposite direction right in front of your vehicle. They can cause serious damage to your car or truck.
Our gardeners, who planted the seeds early are enjoying their greens, spinach and turnips. We didn’t get our seeds planted until early September so we are still awaiting the harvest. I saw a cool recipe for kale salad on the “Pioneer Woman” that incorporated oranges and jalapenos with a creamy orange dressing. It really looked good but I would lose the jalapenos.
If you have a good recipe for pears let me know!
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