What could be better than time spent in a group of inspiring people? The last few days I was fortunate enough to be in Berea for the Brushy Fork Institute and all I can say is WOW! This has uplifted and motivated me beyond belief. So, the thought for today is how can I spread that feeling to my Veterans, to tell them to just do it!
It doesn’t matter if you’re growing for yourself or for your community, if you’re a backyard grower or harvesting 100 acres, or somewhere inbetween. Just do it. Don’t worry if your garden spot does not look like the pictures you see or like the picture in your mind. Just do it. If you plant it you will experience the process and then make adjustments until you evolve the space into your dream.
Not everyone can plant the perfect thing the first time, nor can they grow each plant to a specific yield. Like people, each garden is its own; different in many ways and similar in a few. Embrace your space and grow your garden without regard to what other may think. Just do it.
Planning and learning can help you get your garden and your yields to a place where you are happy with them, but you just have to start. Everyone can grow their own food, and many can grow enough food to sell in a farmers market. When planting squash for example, plant an extra 2-3 plants and sell the extra squash. It does not take much space to add a few more plants, and the money you make from selling your surplus could pay for next years gardening supplies.
If selling is not something you’re interested in, you could arrange to donate your produce to the local food bank or food pantry. There are many local organizations that feed members of the community, including the homeless, the elderly, or needy, and they always need support.
If you have thought about taking the farming plunge, then JUST DO IT! Look for ways to grow food where you are. Consider leasing a plot of land or using community gardens. If you’re able, take that giant step and move to a farm… once you have prepared by planning and educating yourself so that you will succeed.
You can do this! You can reach those dreams and goals. Just get out of your own way and do it! It will be worth it in the end. And the person who benefits might just be you.
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