Hi, This is Justin Brock from the Red Bird Mission Grow Appalachia. This week I’ve been finish building,building new chicken tractors and nest boxes.
I figured me a way to put wheels on this chicken tractor. I went and got some 6″ mower wheels and some 3″ lag bolts. Measured so I had a 2″ gap from the ground, pre drilled the holes, put the lag through the hole in the wheel and put screw it it in. I put an extra board around the bottom to cover the gap to keep predators out. Then I had to figure out how to put a handle on it to pull it around. So I found an old strap I had, drilled me a couple holes, put the strap through, tied it on and I had a handle. It works great, you barely have to lift and its ready to roll.
Jimmy, one of our Grow Appalachia members donated 30 golden comet laying hens. It is great to see members give back to the program and there community.
Looks great Justin.