I spent the entire last weekend outdoors braving the heat and humidity. The Natural Bridge Artisan Festival was a huge success but man was it hot! I realized how terribly spoiled I am by air-conditioning and hope I sweated out all every impurity that my body had stored for the last twenty years. I have been confined to the office for a week or two and hope to start visiting gardens again next week. We are canning beans, freezing corn, making tomato juice and living off the land here in Lee County, Kentucky. I hope everyone knows how blessed they are to live in rural America.
Here is a simple, super refreshing salad for a hot day:
Little arugula or your choice of lettuce, some red onion (a little goes a long way), small chunks of watermelon and feta cheese combined in a bowl then drizzle a little red wine vinegar or balsamic vinegar (your preference) over the top. Only other thing you need is a fork and a nice easy chair for ultimate enjoyment.
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