After some much needed hard work, the garden at Dunbar is looking good! None of the broccoli or cauliflower was going to produce anything, so one of our faithful volunteers had some fun mowing those down. Alexandria and I tilled up the garden and spent a few hours pulling weeds and spraying, and when we were finally finished we were quite pleased with the improvement! We were in desperate need of some rain, and thankfully, we are getting some as I write! I know those plants are thirsty!
The tomatoes now have plenty of room to continue to grow and produce! The green beans are looking really good and we should get our first harvest off of those plants within the next week or so!
The volunteers built a scarecrow so we haven’t had any problems with pests! It is so creepy, however, that I had a hard time working with my back to the thing. As long as he can see me and I can see him, we won’t have a problem!
Alexandria and I are getting really excited to start reaping the harvest and weighing the food to see what all of our hard work is going to do! I think we are well on our way to beating last year’s record!
Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication,
See ya in the gardens!
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