Seems like I have been running around like a chicken with its head cut off, but I think we are making progress! I know next year will be smoother for me and the rest of the Grow Local Go Local members.
We have built many, many raised beds this year in several locations but the location I am going to highlight this week is the seven raised beds we have at a low-income apartment complex in Pine Grove, WV. We have had some adversities this year and we have overcome a lot of them!! I think the biggest adversity this year is an upset gardener whom had to leave the apartments and destroyed their 4×4 garden and attempted to destroy the garden next to theirs. I would have never thought in a million years as a garden manager I would have to deal with something like this (but, yes folks it does happen)! The other section of the 4×8 raised bed garden did survive and is thriving! We have dealt with blossom end rot, some little nasty beetles, and of course the crazy weather….lots of rain…no rain. So please enjoy the pictures of the produce being grown and next weeks post will cover one of our community gardens.
Peace out Peeps and Happy Gardening
Grow Local Go Local Garden Manager
Melissa Robinson
Nice-looking cauliflowers!
Your garden looks fabulous and those ‘maters are beautiful!!! 🙂 Sorry to here about your upset gardener. It is surprising to hear what people will do out of anger. I hope you don’t have to deal with that often.
We are also a First Year project in WV and it is a challenge fitting the pieces together. Good Luck!