If one takes a few moments on a rainy Saturday morning and fires up the computer, pours a cup of coffee, and settles in, one can find an amazing amount of information on gardening on the internet. This morning I chose Pinterest as my means of discovering something new. As I sipped my coffee, I began to view the results of the search I had typed in: “Gardening”. An hour later, I was jarred from my internet induced trance with plenty of new ideas. Gardening, in my opinion, should not only be about providing food for ourselves and our families. It should be about self discovery and self-expression. I saw a post on Pinterest that summed it up: Gardening is like therapy, only you get tomatoes. Your families and friends can be included or it can be your place of solace. With your iPod and phone or completely unplugged, to each his or her own. While I sometimes have music, I deplore having my phone with me. I like to be removed from the world in my homegrown utopia. So, how can one make the garden their own unique space? Easy… decor. There are plenty of ways to personalize your garden space, many are necessary, some just fun additions. These homemade garden markers are both practical and decorative. I believe placed properly they would also double as a hose guide to protect your plants from the hose as you walk through the space, dragging the hose behind you.
Perhaps you garden in containers or don’t have any tree branches to make tall markers. What else do you have? Most gardeners find plenty of stones and rocks while preparing their soil, even after years of gardening in the same spot. (Where do they all come from??? That’s for another day…) Many folks I know enjoy wine in their homes. If you are one of those folks, perhaps you can save the corks and make markers with them. As I looked on , I found other useful information such as methods of weed control. I like to find alternative, homemade ways to win this epic battle with weeds, who not only out number me, but certainly have more strength and energy than me.
This one looked promising, although I have not tested it yet. Made from everyday items most of us have in our kitchens, this certainly seems harmless to pets and kids that might be in the garden and touch it. I have also heard of soapy water to rid the garden of unwanted pests. There is, of course, “serious” gardening information available online. One can find hundreds of planting charts, articles on gardening methods, research about pests and weed control, along with the plenty of how to articles and videos. Gardening on the Internet can be even more time-consuming than the actual act of gardening. So, be warned… there is plenty of information out there, but let your empty cup be a wake call to get away from the computer and water your garden. After all , it waters your soul.
Very enlightening and informative article for this rainy Saturday morning.
This is a great post! Living in the middle of downtown Pikeville in a housing development, I have to keep my garden looking presentable year round or run the risk of not being allowed to have one. As far from technologically savvy as I am, I still turn to Pinterest and other such websites often for inspiration on how to keep my small garden space looking spiffy.