Kathryn, Laura, and I attended the meeting of the Knox County Health Coalition on June 24th. The Knox County Health Coalition is an organization formed by various groups and individuals that are interested in health related issues in Knox County. A wide variety of issues, events, and organizations was discussed. We learned of upcoming events, such as the grand opening of the new Sandy Bottoms Hike & Bike Nature Trail in Barbourville, a colon cancer screening project, a diabetes basics class, and a SOAR listening session regarding health issues. We were also informed on what some other organizations in the area were up to, such as Spread the Health Appalachia, Farm to School, and Healthy2Go. Besides just listening to the various topics of the meeting, we were also able to represent our Grow Appalachia program and discuss the things we have been doing. We were able to inform the Health Coalition of the help we have been giving twenty families in the Stinking Creek area with their gardens, the formation of two community gardens in Barbourville and Dewitt, and the grand opening of the Knox County Farmers’ Market that had just occurred the week before with a great deal of success.
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