This week I met with our first new family to sign up for a “Backyard Victory Garden”. A great family and a hard working Veteran who recently started his own landscaping business. Starting out is never easy, in business or gardening. They seeded about 200 tomato plants this spring in hopes of growing and selling them to a local restaurant, but then life got in the way. The plants are ready, but the plot is not. Our timing was perfect and we are happy to help them, better late than never. We will till up the plot this coming week and get those plants in the ground. We will also be giving them pepper and cabbage plants, and seeds for squash, zucchini, beans, and herbs. That will get us started, and we will then assess the remaining soil and see what we finish us with.
Unlike most folks in Huntington, they have access to a rather large space at a nursery owned by her parents. It will be challenging to find enough space for most participants to grow a 110 x100 foot garden… but we sure plan on trying. I envision creative gardening coming into play with lettuce growing instead of traditional landscaping, herb gardens lining the front walk, and containers dotting the porches. If they have the will, we will find a way to help them grow their own food. Starting is the hardest part, or starting over if your first attempt produced something that was just right. Creativity in solving space limitations is the key, thinking outside the box when the “go-to” answers aren’t working.
Last Friday we picked up our new tiller so we can get to work! Thanks David for arranging this:) Access to tillers seems to be a common barrier for most folks I meet. This will make it so much easier to get families growing their own food!! We are also working to gain support from local business and the community to support our mission. Noni’s Farm has donated enough seed for 2 families and is starting herbs for them as well. We are waiting to hear back from a few others in the community and expect there will be plenty support here in Huntington.
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