I hate to always sound like part of this blog is about me, but I am soooo sick. It started down at Berea at the Applachian Fund meeting- I think it began as a sinus infection and now it has taken a life of its own. I havent felt like living all week, but have tried to work through it. So, if this blog rambles or makes less sense than usual- that is why.
The Appalachian Fund meeting was very good. I was able to sit by Loyal Jones for a couple of hours, and really just take in what he had to say about so many things. I didnt want to try to force myself in conversations, so he may thought I was shy… but people like him or Bill Best I have always found it is better to listen than to speak.
I really liked hearing about the programs that were different, but still the same as what we do at Lotts Creek. And about the Central Kentucky programs that are geared towards Appalachian folk. I was even able to connect with some of the programs and tell them some hints on places we get donations from that they may be able to get bedding and other needed resources from.
As for the gardening, I wish I could say everyone is tilled and planting but I would be lying. Several people are plating before the rain that is supposed to be coming, and we only like a couple of more places to till. If I felt like living I would have them done today, but maybe this weekend or tomorrow.
We are also using our high schooler that wants to work all summer for us more and more. I may let him help me this evening while I “supervise” and wish I was in bed. His name is Charles Cruz and while he had never even sat foot in a garden, he is a hard worker and is learning more and more every time we work the soil. He was even able to fix the tiller the other day when we had a big rock stuck in it!
I must admit things are going well, and with our VISTA coming next week I think all the kinks will be worked out!
Hi, I am in the Letcher County area, but I like reading the posts from all the other groups. My name is Greta and I am just a gardener. My goal this year was to get trees planted, so that they could be growing. I have planted 54 so far. My last order came yesterday, but the standard cherry trees were missing and they had substituted “plumcots”, a cross between apricots and plums. [I don’t care what they are if they bear fruit.] I have to plant corn and squashes tomorrow, so they can come up with the rain.
The best thing is, I discovered a “wild orchard” of pawpaws just coming up on their own. I have been trying and trying to grow them in pots. Mice got them last year, then the 20 degree freeze this year. I don’t how the new trees got where they are growing. I have never seen a pawpaw on that side of the land. I suppose coons or bears carried seeds over there? They are very beautiful, graceful saplings that grow in groups. Mine a are coming up in full sun, although you can definitely grow them under other tall trees.