It seems rather quiet here in the office without people coming in asking questions or picking up items but I know they are busy in their gardens trying to get their seeds and plants in the ground before the next rain comes in on Friday. I hope to be out in the field next week taking some pictures and chatting about their gardens. I love to see those first tiny green shoots pop through the ground. This concept of growing as much food as you can for yourself and your family is such a wonderful idea and so much healthier than eating pizza or chicken nuggets. You know if we all were all more concerned with the health of our children, protecting our fragile environment and growing healthy food, then we wouldn’t have time to dwell on the differences that make us human. “Love your neighbor as yourself,” is a powerful statement.
Next workshop is May 22nd and topic is “Food Preservation. All of our workshops are out the Happy Top Community Building and begin at 5:30 p.m. They are open to the public.
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