Last year was our first attempt to grow herbs. We selected basil and grew lots of it not only for our gardeners but we were able to sell some to help with our greenhouse project. This year we’ve expanded our community garden to include a special herb garden. We have planted basil, oregano, sage, thyme, dill and cilantro. The herb garden sits right in front of the greenhouse. It was built with the help of our college volunteers using timber from the hillside. We are planning to include information about the herbs all through the growing season — from using them for garden maintenance, to getting them in the kitchen freshly picked and dried. Our goal is to lean more and more on herbs for seasoning and less and less on salt.
We continue to be in our trial and error learning phase and our learning curve is still pretty steep. After our last big thunderstorm, the rain came gushing into the herb garden. We discovered that we have to get a gutter up at the end of the greenhouse so our herb plants don’t float away when there is a huge downpour. So we are hunting for extra gutter pieces and hope to turn this problem into a plus by getting the water back into the garden at a reasonable rate.
Happy growing everyone!
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