What a busy time for the Staff in Scott County this week. Our local high school students under the direction of Sam Krahn, Ag teacher at Scott High grew some plants for us, but the volume we needed was far greater than what they were able to grow. Having tapped out McCreary High School greenhouse for our McCreary County Participants last week we were referred to the High School in Williamsburg, Ky.
So off we went with our little caravan to Williamsburg High School. I must say I was so impressed with the Ag teachers and awesome students we met there. The quality of their plants would give any professional greenhouse operation a run for their money. When we arrived they had our order ready down to the last plant. As soon as Tom backed his van in, the doors opened out came an army of high school students lead but a young lady with a clip board. Like a well ordered military unit . They loaded the van two layers high in just mere minutes then moved on to fill the back of my truck. My curiosity got the better of me. So I asked the Ag teacher if we could tour their greenhouse. I am in awe… I will be the first to admit I am a garden geek. I entered garden geek heaven. The most beautiful plants and flowers. Students are everywhere working away. With great pride these students wanted to be helpful. I start asking questions about the plants and if they grew all this themselves. (like who else grew them, dummy). The students learned about asexual propragation and created masses of wondering jew plants that were now ready for sale. I must say on the journey back to Scott County, the conversation was about how amazing the plants looked and great these kids were (of course the Ag teachers also).
Cathy Lackey
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