We received our shipment of garden supplies last week and began distributing fertilizer this weekend. I wanted to share the products we purchased for our participants and a description of the products. I am not an expert at all on the products and the training at our Grow Appalachia conference helped in product selection. We may need more throughout the growing season, but feel we are in a good position to begin managing our gardens. This will be a lengthy post, but I wanted to share the products that we would be using when necessary and have product descriptions available for reference. Not all participants will need nor want all of these products, but we will have available and they will be distributed w/reference material and instructions from a knowledgeable source.
Product Description
HarmonyTM Ag Organic Fertilizer w/ 9% Calcium (5-4-3) – Made from 100% all natural composted poultry layer manure. All-purpose for vegetables, fruits, lawn and landscape. Slow release for steady, long-lasting color and growth. Analysis: 1.0% water soluble nitrogen, 4.0% water insoluble nitrogen, 4.0% P2O3, 3.0% K20, 9.0% Calcium, .08% magnesium, 0.2% Iron. 370 ppm Zinc, 40 ppm Copper, .65% Sulfur, 35 ppm Boron.
Full brokered loads are available at further discounts. Available by the bag or in 1 ton totes. Note for large spreader application this fertilizer has a density of 41 lb / cubic foot.
OMRI A Listed, OMRI Label Harmony Label, Harmony Spec Sheet.
This fertilizer is approved as OMRI Allowed Status
PASTURE- HAY FIELDS- LAWNS: 20 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft. or 875 lbs. per acre. Apply spring and fall, and more lightly several times a season. VEGETABLES: mix into the soil 6 – 8 lbs. per 100 sq. ft. or 60 – 80 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft. or 1 ton per acre. Apply topically 30 to 50 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft.; more lightly for short season vegetables or multiple applications. TREES: 5 – 10 cups of fertilizer for each inch of trunk diameter. SHRUBS: 5 lbs. per 100 sq. ft. or 50 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft. Scratch into the soil surface. FLOWERS: 3 lbs. per 100 sq. ft. or 30 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft. Apply once or twice per season.
Product Description
A mixture of Spinosad A & D, 0.5% . Contains 0.05 lbs. of active ingredients per gallon. Derived from a fermentation process. For use in vegetable gardens, fruit trees, lawns, and ornamentals. Controls: Colorado potato beetles, corn borers, ants, fire ants, beetles, caterpillars, worms, fleas, leafminers, spider mites, thrips, codling moth, Japanese beetles and other insects. Not harmful to beneficial insects.
Rate: 2 oz to one gallon of water.
OMRI Listed, OMRI Label, Product Label, MSDS Sheet
Product Description
One of the hottest selling broad spectrum insect control that has a fast knockdown and kill pests. May be used on all growing plants indoors and outdoors. Very effective on hundreds of insects. Zero pre-harvest interval. Can be mixed with other active ingredients. Low odor, non corrosive pyrethrin liquid.
Application rate for 1.4% is 1 – 2 oz per gallon of water. 5% rate is 1/4 to 1/2 oz per gallon water.
Q. Can PyGanic be tank-mixed with other products? A. Yes, PyGanic is frequently used in combination with other crop protection products such as Bacillus Thuriengensis, Azadiractin, Spinosad, Neem Oil, and a host of other additives, fungicides, nutrients, surfactants and penetrants. PyGanic provides benefits such as quick knockdown and kill of insects, broader spectrum of control, and resistance management benefits to these types of products.
Q. Will the addition of a surfactant, spreader or wetting agent to a PyGanic spray solution increase the level of insect control I get? A. We are aware of numerous studies that demonstrate tank-mixing certain types of these products with PyGanic will slightly increase the level of insect control. We have not seen enough information to recommend specific brands. Your best source of this type of information may be the manufacturer of the additive. As with any penetrant, wetting agent and surfactant, we recommend small scale testing be conducted in order to ensure these products will not injure your crops. Always be sure the spray solution is within the pH range of 5.5 to 7.0. Application use for Fogging: for 5% pyganic it is listed on the label at the end of the label for use on barns, dairy houses, etc for this kind of use. Use a ULV, ultra low volume fogger at the rate of 2.5 fl oz per gallon of water then take that solution and apply at the rate of 2 oz. per 1000 cu ft of space. Be sure to close up all doors and windows beforehand. Keep closed for 15 minutes. Before re-entry you should turn over the air in the room at least 3 times before entering workspace. Pyganic Label 1.4%, Pyganic MSDS sheet 1.4%, Pyganic Label 5%, Pyganic MSDS Sheet 5%, All are OMRI Listed, OMRI Label 5%, OMRI Label 1.4%
Produced in Western North Carolina this product is made from fresh water trout. Brown’s is a fish hydrolysate and is produced using a cold process so that it contains all the nutrients, vitamins, enzymes and natural growth hormones. It is filtered down to 120 mesh and can be used in drip line systems. Phosphoric acid is used as a pH stabilizer and as a source of phosphorus that plants need. Can be sprayed as a foliar spray or watered into plants.
General Application Rate:
House plants 1 Tbsp per gal., Outdoor plants use 2 Tbsp to 1 gallon water every 2-3 weeks.
Larger scale directions use 2-3 gallons per acre 4 times during the growing season.
OMRI Listed, OMRI Label
Product Description
Our newest copper spray from 83.9 % Cuprous Oxide (Cu2O) = to 75% metallic Copper equivalent. This is a wettable granule used as a natural fungicide and bactericide. Labeled for fruits, vegetables, flowers and ornamentals for prevention of numerous leaf diseases, blights, mildews and leaf spots. Use as a protectant for tomato early or late blight. For use on fruit trees such as peach brown rot. The granuale size on this WG product is about 1 to 1.2 micron range.
There are no issues with shelf life for this product. It will last for ages.
A general application rate ranges from 1 1/3 tsp to 3 1/2 tsp per 1000 sq ft in 1 gallon of water.
Large application rate averages from 1 to 3 pounds per acre in 100 gallons of water.
Hours to re-entry is 12 hrs. Hours to harvest is 24 hrs.
Nordox Label, MSDS Sheet, OMRI Listed, OMRI Label
Surround Kalin Clay (Not Pictured)
Product Description
Made from Kaolin clay, this white coating for plant surfaces suppresses pests and reduces harmful solar effects. Developed by the USDA, its micro-particulates link together to form a semi continuous porous “particle film” barrier that protects your fruits, vegetables and foliage but doesn’t block light. Use on: Tree fruit; protects against insects like psylla and plum curculio; reduces heat stress and sunburn, Vegetable and field crops; suppresses insects such as flea beetles, Japanese beetles, lace bugs, leafhoppers, thrips and more. Tank mixes with most other pest control products except dormant oil. Mixes well with lime-sulfur and wettable sulfur used for disease control. Surrround can be applied during bloom on crops. It is best to apply when bees are not actively foraging. You can increase wetting ability if you mix in Safer soap with the Surround. This is especially helpful on shiny and waxy foliage. Trials at 7 Springs show flea and cucumber beetle suppression on many crops. Thorough coverage of fruit and foliage before infestation gives best results. Using our backpack sprayers, we find it easy to mix, apply and clean up.
Surround is a registered trademark of Tessenderlo Kerley Inc.
Always Read and Follow Label Directions
Rate: use 1-2 cups/gal. or 50 lbs./100 gallons of water.
There are no issues with shelf life for this product.
Product Label, MSDS Sheet, OMRI Listed, OMRI Label
Product Description
This 1.00 oz fabric has a 70% light transmission. It can provide 4 – 6 degree frost protection. Good for early spring, late fall and over-wintering. Plants do just fine under this fabric even with the reduced light transmission. Be aware that this grade of fabric can build up heat if temperatures and sun are optimum
Just for fun pics…..
Thank you, thank you, thank you for the fertilizer!!!! I am trying to make a lot of compost, and it is so hard to get organic fertilizer if you don’t own farm animals.
They said I could take 2 bags of fertilizer, so I did. Soil up on the mountain is not as rich as what people have down in the creek bottoms.
Stacy said it was free, so I left a donation to Cowan Center for all the work they do running that lovely polace.
p.s. My gardens are up, and my new mulberry trees are leafing out. I have persimmons coming up from seed in clay pots.
Glad you got your fertilizer and thank you so much for the kind words and the donation. I’m enjoying getting to know you and look forward to an afternoon learning all what you are growing.