Well, there are updates in our VISTA adventure.
I believe last time I spoke of how the Corporation had sent us 6 or so applicants for the position. All of them were qualified in their own way, and all looked to be overall good candidates.
The problem was/is that we were given roughly 1 week to interview and hire the position, including any local people we were interested in.
Everything seemed fine until people started not returning our calls and really no one locally fitting the bill of what we needed.
The people we could contact on the VISTA list that we really liked, turned us down. Mainly because it seems that different VISTA programs have different start dates? And the coal country team starts ASAP. Our interviewees were waiting for other sites and offers, and just didnt want to commit this early.
We had one wonderful candidate who would be awesome! The problem is she cannot drive. So, we asked for 1 more day to discuss this situation. I think she would be an awesome addition, but the no driving would set us back a little bit.
So, now we have until Monday noon. I think the VISTA process is worth doing for any of the Grow sites, but keep in mind they want a QUICK turn around. And the candidates they send to you are not just interested in Appalachian sites, and in fact we had 1 that no longer wanted to be a VISTA at all… which makes me wonder how long her application had sat on a shelf somewhere.
AGain all things to just keep in mind, and we will keep everyone updated.
Keep us informed on how it all goes, Jeff!