Well things have progress in a sense from last we spoke.
The bad news was we had the mini ice storm AND my septic system was a wreck all on the same morning and I had to miss the Grow Gathering in Berea, to which I am very sorry.
I also hit my head under my house that caused some pinched nerve and chiropractor action… put me out of commission for about 4 days. But now I am back and hopefully back on top of things.
The biggest issue on my plate right now is the VISTA issue. WE WERE APPROVED!!!! We have a site coordinator webinar this coming Tuesday, and we are already looking over resumes for candidates.
If there is anyone local in Eastern Kentucky you all may know of that would be interested in being a VISTA for us- please let me know! We have several good candidates from other states, but we do not want to rule out a worthy local either.
So far the process has been pretty easy, but the paperwork is a challenge. Not the worst, but still time consuming. Having the right people to talk to in the VISTA organization is the key- and the WV people have been wonderful.
I should have a major update the next time I post- and maybe… just maybe a new person… a VISTA will be posting!
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