Hello everyone. My name is Alex Sanders and I am the Grow Appalachia Site Supervisor for the Project Worth Outreach Grow Appalachia Garden Program. We are located in Menifee County in northeastern Kentucky.
Well, it is that time of year again. We have put together our meetings schedule and lined up guest speakers for each meeting. We put together a packet for each of our gardeners to begin the new year. This packet included the following:
* An agreement between Grow Appalachia and the participant
What is expected from Project Worth Outreach / Grow Appalachia
What is expected from the garden participant
Permission to take and use photos
Name and address
Phone number
Email address
GA Project Coordinator signature & Date
GA Site Supervisor signature & Date
* A participant’s information sheet
Information needed on GA bi-monthly report
* Seed list & Garden Plan
A layout of the participant’s garden and garden size
Seeds or plants the participant wants from
Grow Appalachia
* Meeting schedule
List all meeting dates, time, topic and location
* Harvest figures template
* Mulch list
A list of the different types of mulch
* Berea College Farm Store Local Supplier Guidelines
* Business cards, notepad & pen
Notepads & pens donated by local businesses
Putting this packet together made it easier to collect information we needed to get off to a running start. B We have held 2 meetings, signed up 71 home gardeners and established 3 Community gardens. We have received seed orders from most of our participants. We have ordered and received seeds and fertilizer.
We have 2 greenhouses. We have cleaned out the greenhouses and readied them for plants to be grown for our GA participants. We have inventoried all of our hand tools and made sure we have enough for the garden season. We have inspected our tillers and made sure they are ready to go to work when the time comes.
Now if we could get the weather to cooperate we could really get down to business. Hope everyone gets off to a good start this year. Have a great day.
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