Winter has stifled our progress yet again! Just when we had a few good 60 degree days to get some soil tilled, soil samples taken, and some peas in the ground here we are again with snow and 30 degrees! Today our plan was to plant some bush peas at the school, but I woke up to around inch or inch and a half of wet snow which ended my dentist appointment and garden plans.
We have been successful in our recruitment efforts, and are even getting a lot of our soil samples in where we had the week of pretty weather. This wet weather means that those will slow down greatly now methinks. But we are looking at our proposed 30 families to be reached easily.
We also had our Grow Appalachian family of David, Mark, and Candace visit us last week. I just wish the weather had been a little better so we could have shown more garden related activities.
We are hoping we get enough of a break to plant more peas next week, and we are really hoping to get enough warm days soon to plant our ground hog radish to help loosen the soil at the baseball field for our planned expansion.
On my plate now is ordering our soil amendments, fertilizer, and some heirloom seeds. We are also finalizing our VISTA application, which is due March 17!
So all in all things will pick up, but for now old man winter has us down.
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