Market in the Park is so excited to partner with Grow Appalachia. I know this first year will have a very steep learning curve, but I am anxious to get going!
My Grand Daddy used to come home from work, change from his 3-piece-suit to his “work clothes” and head down to his garden. He loved that garden. My family still saves beans from year to year that we simply call “Crockett Beans.” I truly have no clue what they actually are… I only know they came from his home place in Crockett in Morgan County – and that they are tasty! Grand Daddy’s garden provided for the whole family. We always had heirloom tomatoes, more zucchini than we could use (as is often the case!), sweet corn, at least three kinds of green beans, potatoes, onions, and whatever else he planted that season. The man could make anything grow.
When I was still living and working in central Kentucky, in warmer months I looked forward to getting home, taking off my heels, and walking barefoot to my tiny garden. A small parcel of my front yard was devoted to tomatoes, cucumbers, and herbs. You can take the girl out of the country, but… Well, you know the rest!
Now that I am back in eastern Kentucky, my produce selection has expanded since I now have more room. During the growing season, my dogs and I go check the garden(s) every morning. Bringing in the harvest daily is such a gratifying experience. As most of us realize, few people in younger generations have that experience. This is unfortunate as agriculture is such a huge part of our heritage. Reconnecting with the land is to reconnect with our roots. Reconnecting with our roots is to begin reconnecting with each other.
First year plans for Market in the Park-Grow Appalachia partnership in Morgan County include three community gardens. One of these is a food bank garden for Loaves and Fishes. Loaves and Fishes is such a fantastic program and I can’t wait to tell you more about it later!
So… yeah… I am excited to be home. I am excited to remind folks why this is such a fantastic place and they are blessed to call it theirs.
Your story makes my heart warm! Thank you
Dear Georganna,
I am excited to hear about some GA activity in Morgan County since I live close by in Elliott county. I am affiliated through Project Worth and the Rowan County chapter of GA since there are no chapters YET in Elliott. I would love to connect at some point this season to hopefully network more with others in our area. If you are interested, please let me know. My email is If anyone else from our area would like to contact me, please feel free!
Happy Gardening!
Renee Stephens
Hi Renee! I sent you an email. I look forward to getting acquainted!