After pruning and shaping. This was our 1st outdoor workday. It was Saturday the 1st of February a lovely warm day. Several of us met at our Thornless Blackberry’s to be led by our fearless leader in such matters Dr. Amiel Jarstfer. We were able to cut back the old canes, shape and prune the rest, weed a bit, and dig up many rooted tips so members could start their own at home. We were then able to do much the same with the raspberry patch. It was a lovely beginning to the gardening year 2014. Sharing the work, fellowship and gorgeous warm day.
This past Saturday Bonnie and I met at the greenhouse and planted our bulbing onion seed. Well she planted I went around and patched holes and loose spots and what not to make the greenhouse as warm and cozy for our babies as possible. Can I say to much about how great it is to garden together, catch up on news(I don’t think she’s mind if I told you all she’s got a really good part in the upcoming community play in Middlesboro.)
Tonight we will have a lecture by Stacy White from the Kentucky Extension Office on “Off season Preparations”
Next Monday nite we are having our 1st field trip down to Tazewell for a lecture on fruit tree care be UT expert David Lockwood.
Take Care All, Sue at LMU
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