Greetings from Northern West Virginia. We are Grow Local Go Local (GLGL), a two year old food initiative in Wetzel County West Virginia. We are so blessed to have been selected to partner with Grow Appalachia and look forward to benefiting from all the experience of the other partners.
While the snow flies and the ground stays frozen we are planning our second annual Seed Swap. While there was very little seed swapping last year, we did give away over 400 packs of seed during the four hour event.This years event will be held on March 15th. Seed has been donated by Botanical Interests, Seed Savers Exchange, Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds and Seeds of Change. We expect to be able to distribute over 500 packs of heirloom and organic seeds at this years event. In the mean time we’ll be patient and look forward to spring.
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