I am pleased to share with my Grow Appalachia partners that my opportunities are also growing. I am a new employee for Community Farm Alliance and will be the Project Director for the Appal-Tree project in Letcher County. I credit my experiences with Grow Appalachia and the Cowan Community Center and many years in the Letcher County School System for allowing me the experience to assume this position. Grow Appalachia is not only growing gardens in Letcher County, but is growing leaders and making viable connections to best promote the current trend to promote agriculture for not only family gardens, but also a viable source of economic growth in Eastern Kentucky.
The Appal-Tree project, Appalachians Together Restoring the Eating Environment is a research project through the University of Kentucky. This project will initially assess and analyze healthy food choice availability in Letcher County and committed partners and stake holders will together create and implement a plan that best meets the needs of Letcher County in promoting healthy food choices.
As I have worked with Grow Appalachia, I have had the opportunity to be involved with Community Farm Alliance and have always been impressed with their knowledge, dedication and willingness to help in whatever capacity needed. I am beyond thrilled to have the opportunity to be a part of this team.
I am also pleased I will be afforded the opportunity to continue working with Grow Appalachia and see these programs growing together just as the three sisters farming method works.
Congratulations Valerie, That retirement didn’t last long. Keep us in the loop on what you are doing in Letcher County and how your friends and neighbors in Floyd can help.