We had our last group meeting on September 19th and discussed what we had learned, our successes and our failures and how we can improve this gardening program. I am looking forward to our meeting in Floyd County in November. We all know by now that requirements for GROW funding have changed and we will deal with that. UNITE has a CDC grant, which has to do with wellness, and they will have implementation money next year. Dawn, the coordinator for this program, and some of the UNITE coalition coordinators want to join us at this meeting in Floyd County, if schedules permit, to see if we can work together on this gardening initiative for next year. I think it is worth our time to see what they have to say. One of my main concerns is that my gardeners are middle aged or older and we need young people to garden. I hope these seasoned gardeners will mentor someone new to gardening next year and perhaps generate an interest in gardening in our younger generation. I believe we have failed to consider agriculture as a viable means to boost the economy in Eastern Kentucky. Tourism is the catchword for now but it is not the answer to all this region’s economic woes. Looking forward to meeting each of you.
So well said, hoping for committed and motivated people to step up and make this a priority, we can join in this desire for change!!