It’s been a great season in the garden this summer, despite the all the rain and cool temperatures that we experienced early on. Luckily for us we still have lots of Okra, Peppers, Eggplant, and a few remaining Tomatoes that are still producing nicely. We have also been enjoying the red, yellow, and black Raspberries that Saxon started this year. Waiting to be dug up are Sweet Potatoes, Carrots, and a few beets that weren’t big enough earlier in the summer to be sold at the farmers market.
As Autumn approaches, its that time of year to start preparing for cooler temperatures. So, to get ready for Fall we have started some plants to hopefully provide fresh eating’s into the Fall season. This week I have been planting seeds into trays, to transplant into our high tunnel later once there is room. So far we have lots of greens starting, Kale, Swiss Chard, Collards and Mustard’s. Outside in the garden we already have Romaine, Garlic, and Sugar Snap Peas blooming; I saw our first pea pod this morning. It’s sad to see the summer coming to an end, but we plan to have plenty to harvest late into the season.
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