Here is the latest news from our food giveaway!!!
We were able to give away 35 squash, 32 watermelons, over 400 ears of corn, and bags open bags of sweet potatoes. We also had 110 bags of green beans we had frozen that came from my garden last month. Once again the food box was heavily vegetable, and heavily from our garden as well as from God’s Pantry.
In less than 2 hours all of the food was gone. This just reinforces my resolve to make my garden bigger and better next year, as there just not enough again.
One of my favorite stories was a family I work closely with has 2 overweight kids who just will not eat veggies. The 8 year old HATES green beans, but when I brought the family there box he ate the frozen beans because he likes me. He LOVED the beans, and next year the family wants to be one of our grow gardens so he will eat more of that same variety 🙂 Made me feel good after a long, hard day.
Here are some of the pictures of the giveaway, and us loading the veggies. Fun times!
Otherwise, we are working on cover crops and fall veggies still. As well as keeping my geese out of my turnips!!!!
Nice offering! I just began working at the Letcher County Food Pantry this past week and can see the value of the fresh food you provided. Way to go! The folks who got to add fresh vegetables to their supplies were blessed.