Your location in Lee County determined the state of your garden. If you were on a ridge, then you had pretty good gardens especially green beans, cabbage and corn. If you were close to the river, then you had some issues with water damage. Tomatoes have not been good anywhere; the skin is tough and the tomatoes are small. All in all, most of our gardeners have been canning or drying everything they can. I believe we should be ready to plant our fall crops and I am looking forward to turnips and greens. Everyone has had a bumper crop of apples and our pear tree is loaded. Peaches rotted from the inside out this year but they were still tasty. Preserving food is not only good for the stomach, but good for the soul. It is a satisfying and aesthetic feeling to see the rows of jars lined up on the pantry shelves and know that you accomplished all that with your own two hands.
Join us at the Natural Bridge Artisan Festival this weekend; August 23,24, and 25. Crafts,food, and produce from three counties will be available for purchase. Wonderful bluegrass and gospel music can be enjoyed as well as a beautiful quilt show. For more information, go to NaturalBridgeArtisan Festival.
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