Joy comes in the morning, the air is cool and heavy, the birds are singing and the sun is just peeking over the trees. This is my favorite part of the day to be in my garden. It’s quiet, kids are all still sleeping and I can move at my own pace. Many people say gardening is therapeutic and I would have to agree.
It’s also a playground to learn about life. My kids get so much joy out of picking the veggies, (not so much the weeds) but the blueberries, peppers, zucchini, the list goes on and on. It’s a scavenger hunt everyday to see what’s ready to be picked. They are learning how things grow, how to care for the plants, and the hard work that goes along with it.
As we begin to harvest and feel overwhelmed by all the zucchini & cucumbers that are beginning to stack up on the cupboards, the canning that needs to take place, and the weeds that are slowly taking possession over our treasured dirt. I challenge each of you to take a moment to take a deep breath, slow down and remember to count your blessings. Fresh, home grown, organic fruits and veggies. Not everyone has access to this. We actually know what a true tomato tastes like. We are BLESSED!!! Enjoy your bliss in the chaos of this harvest season. Cherish the solitude you find in the garden & as you pick each veggie, give gratitude for the life we have.
What a nice post.