Lois's GardenOn Wednesday the weatherman said, “Only a twenty percent chance of rain for the next few days”, so Aaron and I decided to visit as many of the gardeners as we  could in the next few days. Yesterday I went to visit Lois, Lois has been with the Grow Appalachia Project for the last three years. When she first started gardening she was very hesitant about deciding what she wanted to grow in her garden. I would always tell her, “Grow what you like to eat!”. During the past few years she has asked question after question about gardening and as a result of all the questions she has asked , she has gained a lot of confidence in her ability  to grow a garden. As you can see from the pictures, her garden is in  many different types of containers. She has all of her tomatoes, cucumbers and squash in the front yard, green Beans, onions and cabbage are in containers in the back yard.

First Green Bean


Lois shows off her tomato plantsLois is very proud of her little garden. Having this garden helps her to eat  more nutritious meals and gives her a sense of pride and accomplishment.