This year Maggie Mayes (Youth Ministries Coordinator) and I were brain storming ideas about how to make the gardening experience more interesting and fun for the children at the youth center. We came up with the idea of having another lock-in , during the lock-in we planned to help the children plan the garden, visit the green house, select plants for the garden, then return to the youth center to plant the garden. After the garden was planted we prepared a dinner for the children who were staying all night at the Youth Center. Maggie and I decided to make “Food from the Garden”, we made Eggplant Parmesan, Angel hair Pasta, Broccoli Salad, Baked Chicken and Brownies with Vanilla ice cream ( donated by H.S. volunteer.)
The children seemed to really enjoy visiting the green house, picking out their own plants. then planting the garden. Maggie and I were a little apprehensive about our dinner menu , we weren’t sure if the children would even try the eggplant but SURPRISE, they liked it!
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