The sun has been shining on Mujeres Unidas over the past few weeks,. and is has been rewarding to get our hands in the soil. We have a new set-up at the community garden this year that we think will allow for substantially more food production for the families participating.
We planted a cover crop mix last fall – maybe a little late (Novemberish). The seed consisted of a mix of rye, radish mustard and turnip seed. We had spotty germination but we will be on time this year! The cover crop did afford us with a small harvest this spring of around 20 lbs of turnips and a few meals of mustard greens. We also had some swiss chard left standing and was harvested on into January. Oh and a few radish that were super sweet!
Where We Began.
We also planted a 100 foot row of garlic in November last fall which is looking good and has the evryone talking about the dishes we will prepare.
Happy Garlic.
The garden’s new look and format has folks planning for bountiful harvest this year. Most of our garden plans go all the way into December.
Mujeres Unidas – Women United
Our Young Gardeners planning for the future.
There is a huge reward being around so many people and their families who care about their community and their neighbors. We have young and old alike – new gardeners and experienced gardeners – Mother and Child.
This feels great but now we need to make it taste great! We have seeds in the ground – transplants mulched in – and a burning desire to grow much food and eat it!
So away we gooooooooooo………….
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