Children at the Big Ugly Community Center took advantage of the 60 degree weather this week to start dreaming about and working in this year’s garden. First they planned:
They want to expand and make more raised beds so they can plant more. They talked about having a separate area so they can grow potatoes. And they want to expand a small fruit garden that we have started with the help of West Virginia University Extension. Priority crops include lettuce, watermelon, tomatoes, raspberries, blackberries, carrots, green beans, hot peppers and mild, jalapenos, blueberries, potatoes, squash, and adding cherries to their fruit tree garden. They would also like to try their luck at planting flowers.
Then they got to work clearing the last of the debris from last year’s garden. The weather is supposed to drop 40 degrees by the end of the week so we won’t plant yet. But on good days like Tuesday (or even when snuggled inside from the snow, it’s nice to dream.
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