Gail Mills, Director, Project Worth Outreach


Hello, My name is Alex Sanders and I am an AmeriCorps*VISTA with Project Worth Outreach in Menifee County, Kentucky. I hope all of the Grow Appalachia Gardeners are having a good week.

On Monday, October 22 we held our final Grow Appalachia participant’s meeting. The meeting was well attended and it was followed by a cookout with participants serving dishes prepared with items grown in their garden this summer. It was absolutely delicious. The meeting consisted of a wrap-up for the year. We asked our participants to complete a survey about the Grow Appalachia / Project Worth Outreach Gardening Project. The results were interesting. Below are a few of the questions and responses:

Q: What do you think about the Grow Appalachia Gardening Program?

A: I think it is essential program especially in the current economy.
I think it is a very good program and I learned a few things about gardening.
It was very interesting because we never grew organic.
Much needed for the future of humanity.
50% responded that they thought it was a good or great program.

Q: How much money would you say the Grow Appalachia Gardening Program saved you this year?

A: The responses were anywhere from $20.00-$700.00.

Q: Would you be interested in participating in the Grow Appalachia Gardening Program next year if we get funded?

A: Yes: 91% No: 9%

Q: Have you preserved food from your Grow Appalachia Garden this year?

A: !00% stated that they had.

Q: How may people have you shared your Grow Appalachia Garden harvest with?

A: It ranged from 2-20.

Q: Did you find the meetings and classes presented by Project Worth Outreach informative and helpful?

A: Yes: 91%

Q On a scale from 1 {lowest} to 10 {highest} how would you rate the overall Grow Appalachia / Project Worth Gardening Program?

A: Average score: 9.4

We think that all-in all that our participants were very pleased to be a part of the Grow Appalachia Gardening Program and are looking forward to next year if we get funded.

Below please find photos of our October 22 meeting. Until next time I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving.