A good fall cover crop just might be the hardest working plants you will ever grow. Cover crops also known as (green manure) help to build productive soil in several different ways
Help control weeds…
Some cover crops are good weed blockers. Some varieties smother weeds with their thick growth and others can release chemicals that keep weed seeds from germinating come spring.
Help to balance nutrients
Legume cover crops, such as crimson clover convert nitrogen taken in from the air and convert it into a form plants can use to grow. When the cover crop is tilled under, the nitrogen is released into the soil. They also attract beneficial insects when left to flower they attract bees and insects that help with pollination and insect control in the garden.
Easy to plant
Cover crops are very simple to plant and require minimal work after they are in the ground. Work up the soil nice and loose. Gently level with a rake and broadcast seed over the worked soil; then rake over it again to set the seed into the soil; not too deep, just deep enough to keep the birds from being able to reach it.
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