Greetings from Project Worth Outreach in Menifee County, Kentucky. My name is Alex Sanders and I am an AmeriCorps VISTA.
It has been extremely hot and dry in the month of June. All of our participants are having trouble with their garden because of the weather conditions. Most of the terrian here is very rugged and we depend heavily on rain. With the lack of rain our participants are trying to be creative but not having a lot of success. Most of their gardens are located away from their homes and therefore they cannot run a hose that far. Some are carrying water in buckets but this is time consuming and hot work. To most of the participant’s credit they are doing everything they can to take care of their gardens. From what I have seen on my home visits the gardens still look pretty good considering the weather conditions. I just keep telling them to hang in there and keep a positive attitude.
Listed below are a couple of statements from our participants.
Christine Deaton: The Grow Appalachia Gardening Project has given my grandchildren something to do with me. They are 10 and 6 years old. They have enjoyed working with me in my garden. They ask a lot of questions. Thank you Project Worth Outreach and Grow Appalachia for giving us this time together.
Loretta Young: I would like to thank Project Worth Outreach and Grow Appalachia Garden Project for everything they have done for me and my family. They gave me a chance to have a nice garden and to teach my grandchildren how to take care of plants and to know the meaning of raising their own food. Over this past weekend a friend come to my home and went to my garden with me to get potatoes. Angie was standing there looking at the potato vines with a strange look on her face. When I asked her what was wrong she asked where the potatoes were because she couldn’t find them on top of the vine. I laughed and said honey they do not grow on top of the vine they grow in the ground. This girl is 25 years old and has lived in the country all of her life. This just goes to show you how much we need programs like Grow Appalachia to help us teach our children and grandchildren about where food comes from. I just want to thank Grow Appalachia and Project Worth Outreach for making this happen for me.
Our next meeting will be at 6 PM on July 23 and we will be having a training class on the measurement of food followed by a cookout for all of our participants. Let’s hope for some cooler weather and some consistent rain. Please find this week’s recipe below.
Escalloped Cabbage
1 medium head of cabbage
1 pint milk
2 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons flour
1/2 cup bread crumbs
1/2 cup shredded cheese {optional}
salt and pepper to taste
Cook cabbage in boiling water for a few minutes. In medium bowl mix milk, butter and flour. Stir cooked and drained cabbage into sauce. Place into baking dish. Cover with bread crumbs. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 to 35 minutes or until golden brown on top. This is very good. I doesn’t taste like cabbage.
Florene Earlywine
Note: I submit these recipes as they are given to me. Please feel free to substitute healthy ingredients whenever possible.
That’s about it from Project Worth Outreach for now. I hope everyone has a great week. Please pray for cooler weather and rain.
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