OK this is my 1st time blogging so bear with me. I wish I had the capability to take pics but alas I do not. I’m from the LMU project. We’ve been having community work times on weds. and lately also instead of our meetings on mon. working together. It’s going well and we’ve gotten soooooo much done and it’s soooo much more fun together. I’m so proud of what we’ve accomplished. Last night I was over with my grandson watering and I was just bursting with happiness at how wonderfully all our crops are doing. Another member came along while we were looking at baby zucchini’s, cuke’s and beans. we are so excited and it was heart bursting to be able to share this with my grandson who’s arrived for the summer and have him be excited about it too. He’s most excited about how the basil is growing. He was here the 1st summer we had the garden and another member told us how to make basil water.(throw a big bunch of basil in a pot of water with about a 1/2c. of sugar bring to a boil simmer 10 min or so, turn it off, let it sit for a few hrs, strain off the liquid, add 2-3T to a glass of water) we are totally in love with this drink. I’m going to also throw in how great the Spinosad is working on the potato beetles, and flea beetles it’s sure made life easier, and I can’t wait for the improvement in our crops. Happy gardening! Sue Granger
Nice blog post, Sue! I agree, the garden is looking fantastic! Picked my first cuke last night. It’s a white variety and it will be lunch today, even though it’s a bit small, lol! I’ll let you know how it tastes…