We have a welcome addition to the Henderson Settlement family, her name is Candace. She is our new intern from Berea College. Candace is interested in gardening and Grow Appalachia. The other day she asked if she could go with me as I visited the gardeners.

 Early Friday morning we climbed into the Grow Appalachia van and away we went! We visited several families and I showed her the gardens we have planted on the H.S. grounds. The pictures above and below were taken at some of the gardens we visited.

Lois explaining to Candace how to plant using different containers.

Lois’s Raised Bed

Ann Edith and her Raised Bed garden

Eddy Todd in his garden

We are giving Candace the opportunity to write about her experience visiting the Grow Appalachia Gardens.

“Today was a wonderful day for traveling. The morning sun was hiding behind the clouds and cool temperatures made it a great morning for some of the Grow Appalachia participants to make it out to their gardens. I am studying Marketing at Berea College and came to Henderson Settlement this summer to help out with marketing development. As a part of that, I wanted to experience the different areas that the settlement helps the Frakes area. Gardening has always been an interest of mine, but I have never had the space to start one for my own. Vising the Grow Appalachia gardens and talking with community members made for a wonderful end to my first week at the settlement!” Candace, Berea College Class of 2013.